Three years ago Quentin Thomas, point guard for the University of North Carolina, was reintroduced as GQ, an MC newly signed to 9th Wonder’s Jamla Records. While we still referred to him as Q, occasionally throwing in an Oakland Tech reference or two, we fully embraced him as a rapper. Not a ball player turned rapper, and the connotations that come with it. We knew. We understood his passion. We recognized the skill. We were excited by the 9th co-sign, only because we hoped that with a 9th behind him, the world would have a chance to see what we saw. Three years, three solo mixtapes, an E-Team project, and a solo EP later, and we’re here.
GQ is prepping for his debut album. We’ll likely get another mixtape before the album. But it’s all about timing. And GQ never leaves us questioning if he’s working. He’s always working. And even when he’s not here, we’re always certain his heart is in The Town. No native, or person who has been here for a significant amount of time, needs to have the pull or attachment of Oakland explained to them. You feel it. 9th gave Q a great beat to reflect on. What you get is a track called “The Town,” that’s more so about the people and experiences that happened there, than the actual location. You also get a bit about his life when he’s away. But, when you’re built in and molded by a place, your story is its story. Listen for a few minutes as GQ says his piece as an Oakland dude, with a Southern sense of pride.
The Town
The Beginning