So much stress of materialism in today’s music gets overbearing. Most people I know aren’t “balling” so how does this music relate to us. It’s sad to see how this effects people, especially the youth, trying to keep up with all the things the media presents to us as what makes us “special” or “important” or “successful”. I want to convey to people that we are fresh how we are, and with what we already possess, and that it’s what’s inside of us that matters. We can aspire to have material things, that’s all good, but don’t let it distract from us being happy with who we are right now!
Coolhand’s post text:
Lets focus on changing ourselves and our communities before burying ourselves beneath meaningless trinkets we can’t afford. Too often in our haste to be amazing, we bypass all the steps that make us amazing, and skip right to the flossing we associate with success. I like to look crisp and creased too, but I know that those threads are small fries compared to the love, people and passion in my life. Be thankful, and be rich in every way you can. Like my boy Chiz says, “Poverty is a state of mind.” Be a millionaire.
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