So apparently John McCain’s seventh house is actually an apartment he shares with two friends. As you can see from the videos below, he is almost as bad a roommate as he is presidential candidate. Definitely a must watch. Strong language.
Above: John’s roommates confront him about not doing the dishes and leaving stuff on the table.
Above: John’s roommates confront him about his new live-in VP whom he hardly knows. Turns out he’s been stalking her for years. Well that’s always a healthy trait in a President. I just realized that my sarcasm was just totally trumped by that whole domestic wiretapping thing. Thanks George.
Above: John’s roommates try to pep up their depressed brosef. Bombing Iran seems to make him buck up a bit- thats always good.
Above: John’s roomies confront him about the 500,000 calls me made to Pennsylvania and Ohio. Turns out his robot was making the calls. Awesome strategy, given that he doesn’t know how to use a phone.