Must Read: B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe by Christine Doelling

January 25th, 2013  |  by niema  |  published in Music

Must Read: B*tch Don't Kill My Vibe by Christine Doelling

Christine Doelling opens her book about digital music copyright with the following quote from Plato: “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” [...]

What Art Murmur Events to Hit This First Friday!

September 5th, 2012  |  by niema  |  published in Art, Events, Featured

What Art Murmur Events to Hit This First Friday!

We’re just going to assume that you’ve already made plans to hit Art Murmur on Friday. (If you haven’t, fix your schedule.) And we know that as Art Murmur regulars you might spend more time in the galleries and bars, but we have a guide of some specific [...]

The Bay Abridged: Mixtape Series