Video: Coco’s Fro Cannot Be Contained
May 22nd, 2013 | by Coolhand Luke | published in Featured, Sports
An A’s vs. Giants World Series: Could It Happen Again?!
October 2nd, 2012 | by Coolhand Luke | published in Featured, History, Sports
Agony & Ecstasy: Growing Up With The Oakland A’s
July 31st, 2012 | by Coolhand Luke | published in Featured, Sports
Every time I go to the A’s game, I think of the fact the movie “Angel’s In The Outfield” was partially filmed there. That’s one of my many childhood memories at that park. I recently went to my 1st A’s game by myself. Ever. It was a “winsday”. The $2 tickets were sold out- I got duped into paying $14… It would prove to be worth every cent.
Sports: The Oakland A’s Look More Like “Major League” Than “Moneyball”
March 14th, 2012 | by Sean | published in Featured, Sports
Over the last year the Oakland A’s have had the national spotlight shined on them because of the wide spread success of the movie Moneyball. Although Brad Pitt did an admirable job portraying the “great baseball mind” of Billy Beane, the current A’s [...]
Video: Shit Oakland A’s Fans Say
February 7th, 2012 | by Coolhand Luke | published in Featured, Sports