When HBK (Heart Break Kids) dropped their latest tape, Gang Forever, the lead track was an immediate stand out. IAMSU!, Skipper, and Dave Steezy went in over a tremendous Jay Ant beat that should always be played at high volumes. There are some other notable tracks on the project that feature the aforementioned artists – in addition to Kool John, P-Lo, CJ, Sage The Gemini, and Rossi – but at some point the incessant misogyny gets a tad overwhelming. Given Su’s range, I was hoping there would be more depth, but I suppose posse cuts tend toward the less personal. In any case, “Go Crazy” goes crazy, and got even tighter when Daghe directed the video with his signature quick cuts and eye for the obscure.
Some know Daghe as a flyer and web designer and others as a clothing designer, but Daghe has his hands in a lot of pots – including directing. Thinking about the plight of renaissance men and women who wear many hats reminded me of part 2 of Kanye’s recent interview with Zane Lowe on the BBC. It’s not Bay-centric, but he shares some real shit about how folks can pigeonhole you and thereby stifle your growth and creativity. Keep growing and going crazy!