It’s great to have Coco Crisp back in the line-up because not only is he a great player, his fun-loving, Bernie-leaning personality is a spark that helps motivate the rest of the team. A’s skipper Bob Melvin said as much before last night’s 1-0 victory over Yu Darvish and the division-leading Rangers. Part of his appeal is his hustle and part of his appeal is his untamed afro. Those two things collided Monday night when the A’s center fielder’s helmet flew off his head an astounding seven times in the same game as he busted his ass running down the line, avoided pick-off attempts, advanced on a sac fly, and stretched a single to a double. Coco never quits, and his fro doesn’t let us forget. Afro: 7. Helmet: 0.
And just cuz last year was awesome, watch Coco lead his play-off A’s in a Bernie-Lean champagne shower.