Somewhere in your music library, there’s a track that can get you through a rough spot in your day. There’s a lyric or a verse that speaks to you like no other. The beat drops and you feel like everything will be alright. And if you’re a writer, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of relief you get once you can release all of your woes with a just bit of ink. In music and writing, whether listening or creating, we all have experienced that moment when beats and rhymes give us life.
Tomas Alvarez III and Rob Jackson understood this deeply when they pioneered one of the country’s first Rap Therapy program models. Today, Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc. operates programs in Oakland, San Francisco and the South Bronx. For nearly a decade, the BRL team has worked to improve health and social outcomes of youth of color and to reduce stigma around seeking and receiving mental health services. They have provided a space for youth to feel empowered, create, and heal.
And did we mention that BRL’s young people are hella talented? If you’ve been to one of their showcases you can attest to the cathartic and motivating nature of their inspired performances. It challenges the notion that mental health and personal growth is something to be hidden behind closed doors. They share their testimony with the world via the booth and the stage.
The staff of social workers, artists, educators, therapists and youth have now embarked on the next step in continuing and developing the BRL legacy. They are building a the Beats Rhymes and Life headquarters down by the Lake. The process for establishing this space has been inclusive and thoughtful. The architect has accolades attached to his work, but also a proven commitment to working with community-based organizations.
Like all efforts focused on serving the community, building the official headquarters requires community support in order to be successful. One way to help is to volunteer your time. Another really great way to help is to invest. You can donate to Beats Rhymes and Life here or you can attend a night of awesomeness. April 6, 2013, from 6pm – 9pm, BRL will host a fundraiser and celebration featuring local DJs, food from local eateries, drinks, a silent auction, and art/performances from BRL youth. To purchase your ticket click here. For more information about the new building, the process, and the budget, check BRL Headquarters.